Today I scored the best conditions I've ever had in Victoria, smooth logo high sets on a very nice reef break with 25 knots cross off. And also it was port tack! It was seriously good. The wind dropped off towards the end of the session otherwise I probably would've been out there till dark.
Other than today not much has been happening. Had one session at Sandy point in some fun conditions over a week ago but it only lasted an hour. Yesterday got out on bay for a little while but seeing as I'm not supposed be windsurfing, I've decided against jumping for a while, so it wasn't very exciting... This is because we found out that my recurring back injury from March is a bilateral stress fracture of my L5 vetebrae... Definitely not ideal. I'm supposed to be off the water for at least three months, but seeing it was holding up fine the whole time in Maui I will keep sailing and just be careful. Also started an exercise program to strengthen all my core/back muscles to reduce the chance of making it any worse.

Looks like we might get some more solid conditions over the next week so hopefully winter is starting to come good!
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