Yesterday was one of the best forecasts you are likely to see for this time of year - essentially it was 35-45 knots cross off swinging cross shore during the day. With those conditions on the cards I was expecting some crazy out of control waveriding session before some epic jumping. On a forecast like that you would expect at least 25 knots right??
Joel and I spent the day driving about 400km to score some epic 10 knot crosshore mush down at Sandy Point. To top it off it was absolutely freezing and started pissing down rain. We ended up flooring it back to the bay to try and get at least some kind of a sail - which we did - but it was still crap. Super underpowered and onshore it ended up with a 2km walk back upwind in the dark... It is amazing how a forecast like yesterdays can be so far off the mark.
Last week was a similar story - driving all the way to Torquay expecting a 30 knot front to hit ended with a frustratingly light session at Point Impossible spending most of the time balls deep in water. Apart from that there has been decent surf on a few days but again - even though this photo looks pretty sick. It really wasn't that good with 9/10 waves closing out.
So in conclusion: Victoria sucks pretty hard and I can't wait to get out of this cold and go on my next trip in a week or so to an unexplored wavesailing destination that I think has a lot of potential. More on that in a few days though...
Disclaimer: even though these photos look half decent they are the highlights of the last few weeks. Each photo has been taken from a different session usually in a freak gust above 15 knots where it is strong enough to actually do something. A lot of time and money has been spent to getting these three photos so when you put it into perspective they really aren't that great...

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