Friday, December 17, 2010

corona + geraldton + shq go pro competition

Been back in Melbourne for a few days after the Merimbula corona classic and a trip to Geraldton WA.
The conditions up at Merimbula are generally far from epic but this year in the week leading up to the contest we had good wind and some fun waves to play around in at Tathra. Most of the time it was pretty good with a 4.5 in some punchy 2-3ft beach break waves. Nothing amazing but definitely fun! The wind deteriorated somewhat for the actual event but that was made up for with a few good parties.

Getting back from Merimbula I was only home for about 12 hours before getting up at 4.30am for an early flight to Perth. After sorting out the travel car we hit the road and were in Geraldton by mid afternoon. Historically every time I have been to Geraldton there has been horrendous conditions, usually it is flat and there is barely a breath of wind. The first few days were pretty good with wind around 25-30 knots and some logo high ramps out the back at Coronation. I was feeling pretty retarded not jumping on port tack for at least 6 months so the best conditions of the trip largely went to waste!

After a couple of days it troughed out... Let's just say when there is no wind Geraldton doesn't have a lot going for it! Over the four windless days I was going insane from boredom. I think we went grocery shopping for 'fun' on one occasion.
Finally the wind came back and we had a few fun days at corros usually either on a 4.2 or 3.6. Unfortunately the swell was pretty tiny making it a bit frustrating to actually learn new moves but by the end of the trip I was getting some good pushloops. After 5 days or so of wind, it dropped out again, the call was made to head to Lancelin before flying out of Perth. Wasn't much swell or wind there but at least there are a few things to check out in the area.

Back in Melbourne I found my board had been smashed up pretty badly by the airlines... Definitely was not happy! No wind so far but should be something early next week.

SHQ Go-Pro comp
SHQ is running a competition where you upload a short clip of yourself sailing into different categories and then people vote to determine the winner. I have two clips under the wavesailing and wipeout sections.


Vote for them here

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